The Social Smarty Blog

The good stuff: social media news, updates and advice...

Alternatives to ChatGPT for using AI in your Business

AI (Artificial Intelligence) seems to be dominating my social media newsfeeds at the moment. It all appears to have stemmed from an online tool...

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30 One-Sentence Social Media Tips

Social media. You may love it, or you may loathe it but as a business owner, you can’t ignore it.

Social media can be a powerful platform to...

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How to Show Images or Slides during your Instagram Live Video

If you're ready to really grow your Instagram engagement, going Live on the platform gives you the chance to interact with your audience in...

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating an Instagram Carousel Post using Canva

* This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you make a purchase after clicking on a link, I may earn a small commission at no extra...

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Five Tips to Simplify your Social Media Marketing

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, post to your feed, go live, create stories, how about Reels? It’s no wonder business owners often feel...

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60 LinkedIn Post Ideas for Business Owners

Have I told you lately how much I love LinkedIn?

As I build my personal brand and my business, it’s my go-to place to hang out and connect...

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