Meta Verified

Meta has started rolling out paid subscriptions for Facebook and Instagram. But why would you pay to use Facebook and Instagram?

As one of the first people in the world to get access to Meta Verified I will be running a free, live training session inside my Facebook Group to answer all of your questions!

In this live Q&A session I will cover:

💰 What is Meta Verified?
💰 Who can sign up for Meta Verified?
💰 Is it worth paying for?
💰 How do you sign up for Meta Verified?

I'll answer any questions you have from my personal experiences with using Meta Verified on both my Facebook and Instagram accounts.

🔥 I'll also finish the session with a special bonus offer!



Jodine McIntyre

Right now, managing the social media for your business probably feels overwhelming, confusing and time consuming. Where do you start, what do you post and how do you know you’re even doing it right?

I've been there too.

As a social media trainer, coach, consultant and wingwoman, I help business owner just like you confidently own your awesome online and feel excited about the possibilities social media can offer for your business growth.

I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you!


This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website, Meta™ website or Instagram™ website. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™, Meta™ or Instagram™ in any way.


Almost there!

Enter your name and email and I'll send you details on how to join the live training as well as a reminder just before it kicks off!

(You'll also get regular updates from me - you can opt out at any time.)